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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/15/2010
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Gordon Webber at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Gordon Webber, Eric Tenney and Michael Genest
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      Mr. Genest motioned to accept the minutes of November 1, 2010, Mr. Tenney seconded the motion.  Passed 3/0
2.      David Duffy – spoke to the board concerning the old Rt. 202 road.
3.      The Board heard the initial presentation of the following budgets:
a.      Town Clerk
b.      Elections & Registration
c.      Tax Collector
d.      Planning & Zoning
e.      Cemeteries
f.      Street Lighting / Misc.
g.      Animal Control
h.      Parks & Recreation
i.      Patriotic Purposes

There being no further business, the Mr. Tenney motioned to adjourn, Mr. Webber seconded, passed 3/0 at 8:57 PM.